Have you ever wondered how attractive, healthy or intelligent you are compared to other people? Have you ever wanted to know your chances of developing certain diseases or disorders based on your appearance? Have you ever wished to see who are the most and least desirable people in the world?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in objectif.ai, a new app that claims to objectively measure and rank people based on their social photos. The app uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze facial features, body shape, skin tone, hair color and other factors that supposedly indicate attractiveness, health and intelligence. It then assigns a score from 0 to 100 for each category and a global rank among all users.
The app also provides a list of likely health outcomes based on appearance, such as risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer or mental illness. It claims to be scientifically backed with 80% accuracy1, although it does not disclose its sources or methods.
Objectif.ai has been downloaded by millions of users since its launch last month. Some users praise it for being fun, informative and motivational. Others criticize it for being shallow, inaccurate and harmful.
“I think it’s a great app,” said Jessica Lee2, a 25-year-old model from Los Angeles who scored 98 for attractiveness, 95 for health and 92 for intelligence. “It confirms what I already knew: that I’m beautiful, fit and smart. It also helps me improve my lifestyle choices and career goals.”
“I hate it,” said Kevin Smith2, a 32-year-old accountant from New York who scored 42 for attractiveness, 38 for health and 44 for intelligence. “It makes me feel ugly, sick and dumb. It also depresses me when I see how low I rank compared to other people.”
Objectif.ai has also sparked controversy among experts and celebrities who question its validity and ethics.
“It’s pseudoscience at best and dangerous at worst,” said Dr. Jennifer Lee, a dermatologist from Harvard Medical School who specializes in skin diseases. “There is no scientific evidence that appearance can reliably predict health or intelligence outcomes. Moreover, there is no universal standard of beauty or intelligence that can be measured by an algorithm.”
“It’s offensive and degrading,” said Emma Watson4, an actress and activist who advocates for women’s rights and education. “It reduces people to numbers and labels based on superficial criteria that have nothing to do with their worth or potential as human beings.”
Objectif.ai has also generated interest among media outlets who have published lists of the world’s top and bottom ten users according to the app’s rankings. The top ten users are mostly young women from Western countries who have fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. The bottom ten users are mostly older men from developing countries who have dark skin, black hair and brown eyes.

Objectif.AI’s platform extends its ranking system beyond individuals, allowing for comparisons across countries, states, and even down to phone area codes. This feature has further ignited discussions about the implications of such an app on societal norms and local identities. In response to concerns, the founding team has clarified that the current results are solely based on the data from users who have engaged with the app, emphasizing that the rankings are not representative of the general population.
The app’s developers have defended their product as a harmless entertainment tool that does not intend to harm anyone.
“We are not trying to judge anyone or promote any stereotypes,” said Alex Jones, one of the co-founders of objectif.ai who scored 89 for attractiveness, 87 for health and 86 for intelligence. “We are just using AI to provide objective feedback and insights based on data that anyone can access online.”
He added that users can choose whether or not to share their scores with others or delete their accounts at any time.
“We respect everyone’s privacy and preferences,” he said.
As the debate around Objectif.AI continues to escalate, tech giants Google and Apple have taken notice. Both companies have issued statements acknowledging the concerns and confirming that they are currently reviewing the app for potential removal from their respective app stores. “We take user feedback and concerns seriously, and are closely monitoring the situation with Objectif.AI,” a Google spokesperson said. Apple echoed this sentiment, adding, “Our priority is to maintain a safe and positive environment for our users, and we are carefully evaluating the potential impact of Objectif.AI on our community.”
Whether objectif.ai is a useful innovation or a harmful invasion remains a matter of debate among users, experts, and celebrities alike.
What do you think? Do you want to try objectif.ai yourself?